Thursday, January 22, 2009

High Rise Advertising a High Risk?

From the Los Angeles Times:
A company that installs the oversized advertisements known as supergraphics has gone to court to demand that Los Angeles let it keep images on as many as 118 multistory buildings while federal judges review challenges to city billboard regulations.

I'm very happy that actions are being taken to remove these monstrosities. They're an eyesore and are very distracting. Though I am not certain about this I bet that there has been an accident or two that has been caused by the presence of these signs.

I doubt there would be enough people to get together and file a class action lawsuit, but I'm sure that there have been some serious injuries to some, which did involve hiring a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer.

I for one hope these building sized billboards get taken down permanently.

Click here to read the rest of the Los Angeles Times story.


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